FM Expressions Press On Values

Our Values: PRESS ON.


The graphic makes a t-shirt more than just a t-shirt. A biker destination t-shirt reminds the rider of the time they took that long-awaited, dream road trip with their dad. A shirt passed from a coach to a young athlete tells them that they are part of a team with whom they’ll share memories for a lifetime. Friends and family wear custom t-shirts to show their loved one that their battle against cancer is not waged alone. The graphic declares that the person wearing it belongs to something greater.


We PRESS ON everyday so our customers can deliver more than just a t-shirt to their customer.

FM Expressions Press On Logo
P of Press On Values at FM Expressions

Prioritize Customers

We exist to create value for our customer. We want customers for life. We earn their business by creating win-win scenarios. Our customers' success create our success. Value is determined by the market. That judgement is rendered through customer behaviors.

R of Press On Values at FM Expressions

Recognize Others

We genuinely appreciate and value the unique perspectives, value creation and commitment of the individuals on our team. Assume that the person you are working with may know something that you do not. Learn from them.

E of Press On Values at FM Expressions

Earn & Extend Trust

Extend trust to others and earn trust by taking action and executing. Remain humble and accountable. We learn from failures and our own results. Trust accelerates execution and creates opportunities.

Seek Knowledge

Proactively seek out knowledge about our customers, business practices, departmental functions, etc. Gaining knowledge beyond your immediate job function gives you an understanding of the bigger picture. We are one team eager to share knowledge. Remain curious!

S of Press On Values at FM Expressions

Seize Opportunity

Identify challenges and seize opportunities to lead the way solving them. Take ownership of the task before and after leading the change. Set the tone for a positive work environment. Solving challenges unlocks growth and growth creates more opportunities.

O of Press On Values at FM Expressions

Own the Result

The right thing is always the right thing. Take ownership of the result. Work hard but do not mistake activity for results. Deal with reality. Assess failures and learn. Make decisions, take action, measure and adjust. Rinse and repeat!

N of Press On Values at FM Expressions

Next Challenge

Seek out and conquer the next challenge. Do not seek comfort. Identify and drive new process improvements. Create competitive advantages through innovation. Be willing to disrupt ourselves. If we are slow to innovate, the market will pass us!