Content Guidelines
FM Expressions exists to enable anyone to express their creativity through custom-printed designs.
We want uploaded content to respect the law and others. Please be mindful of the designs you upload. Content that violates intellectual property, is illegal or is deemed inappropriate may be reviewed, removed, and your order will be refunded. FM reserves the right to refuse to print content that we deem inappropriate.
Intellectual Property Rights
FM respects your creativity. We ask that you respect the work and creative rights of others. You need to either own the content you submit to FM or have the rights to use, display, and resell it. Content must comply with right of publicity, trademark, and copyright laws.
Illegal or Obscene Content
We will remove content that depicts child pornography. Obscene content such as nudity, or content that depicts, promotes or praises crimes, illegal or otherwise harmful activities, terrorism and/or individuals, groups or organizations promoting any of the aforementioned also will not be tolerated. You also have to follow your local laws and those of the regions you're shipping orders to. It's your responsibility to understand what you legally can and can't create.
Content Ownership
The design content you upload is yours – FM won't use it in our advertising or as promotional material without your permission. All content is subject to review and we reserve the right to remove it at any time and for any reason. Each case is evaluated individually.