Converting RGB to CMYK

Certain RGB colors that you can see on your monitor or camera (in particular, bright vibrant colors) simply cannot be replicated with standard CMYK inks. 

There are 2 different types of color modes when designing your artwork. 

RGB - Red | Green | Blue are colors of light combined together to create images on a TV screen, computer monitor, etc.

CMYK - Cyan | Magenta | Yellow | Black are colors of ink mixed together to create your full-color image.

How to convert your file from RGB to CMYK:

Adobe Illustrator

  1. Select File > Document color mode > CMYK color

Adobe Photoshop

Existing file:

  1. Select Image > Mode > CMYK

New file:

  1. Select CMYK for the mode before clicking OK

How To Adobe Photoshop Article


  1. Select each object you want to convert
  2. Select the Fill tool and click Fill Color Dialog
  3. Make sure the color model is CMYK
  4. For each object with an outline:
  5. Select the Outline tool and click the Outline Color Dialog
  6. Make sure the color model is CMYK.

How To CorelDraw Article

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