Certain RGB colors that you can see on your monitor or camera (in particular, bright vibrant colors) simply cannot be replicated with standard CMYK inks.
There are 2 different types of color modes when designing your artwork.
RGB - Red | Green | Blue are colors of light combined together to create images on a TV screen, computer monitor, etc.
CMYK - Cyan | Magenta | Yellow | Black are colors of ink mixed together to create your full-color image.
How to convert your file from RGB to CMYK:
Adobe Illustrator
- Select File > Document color mode > CMYK color
Adobe Photoshop
Existing file:
- Select Image > Mode > CMYK
New file:
- Select CMYK for the mode before clicking OK
How To Adobe Photoshop Article
- Select each object you want to convert
- Select the Fill tool and click Fill Color Dialog
- Make sure the color model is CMYK
- For each object with an outline:
- Select the Outline tool and click the Outline Color Dialog
- Make sure the color model is CMYK.